“seek ye first the KINGDOM OF GOD; and all these things shall be added unto YOU”
These things encompass your “Divine inheritance” , your Divine design; “Health-Wealth-Love & Perfect Self Expression”. YOU have been created to co-create with our “Creator”. It begins with the UNDERTSTANDING, of the “CHRIST WITHIN”, your “HIGHER SELF”, that exist in ALL of us.
“the KINGDOM OF GOD is within”
Your Perception may be considered to be the essence of Consciousness. Let us first UNDERSTAND perception.
Noun ….the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses; the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses; a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression; intuitive understanding and insight.
late Middle English: from Latin perceptio(n- ), from the verb percipere ‘seize, understand’ (see perceive).
late 14c., percepcioun, "understanding, a taking cognizance," from Latin perceptionem (nominative perceptio) "perception, apprehension, a taking," noun of action from past-participle stem of percipere "to perceive" (see perceive). Also used in Middle English in the more literal sense of the Latin word. The meaning "intuitive or direct recognition of some innate quality" is from 1827.
To be conscious of ANY THING you must experience them via your senses, you must perceive it.
Def/Orgin of Perceive;
1300, perceiven, "become aware of, gain knowledge of," especially "to come to know by direct experience," via Anglo-French parceif, Old North French *perceivre (Old French perçoivre) c. 1300, perceiven, "become aware of, gain knowledge of,"
World Perception
Most of us live lives rooted in false concepts created by “Worldly Systems”, that manifest in our consciousness. The way that we experience life, our environments, and circumstances are unknowingly created based on false perceptions.
Our paradigms (lens) through which we view the WORLD are greatly distorted. Imagine walking around with dark glasses to help shield your eyes from the sun (SON) in the middle of the night. It is impossible to find your way. It is impossible for the SON to lead the way.
In my work I have identified seven basic WORLD systems (financial, education, agriculture, health care, just/political, religion, arts/entertainment). All of which feed off and manipulate each other.
Where we as citizens fall short is in our UNDERSTANDING of their TRUE nature. We PRECEIVE them to be functioning for the benefit of our WELL BEING. A conscious, detailed intellectual, and intuitive examination will reveal their TRUE nature. That being; a TOTAL QUEST FOR PROFIT & POWER!
Be cognizance! Cast the burden of enlightenment on “THE CHRIST WITHIN”, and go forth and live by “Divine Design”, HEALTH-WEALTH-LOVE & PERFECT SELF EXPRESSION!
These things encompass your “Divine inheritance” , your Divine design; “Health-Wealth-Love & Perfect Self Expression”. YOU have been created to co-create with our “Creator”. It begins with the UNDERTSTANDING, of the “CHRIST WITHIN”, your “HIGHER SELF”, that exist in ALL of us.
“the KINGDOM OF GOD is within”
Your Perception may be considered to be the essence of Consciousness. Let us first UNDERSTAND perception.
Noun ….the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses; the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses; a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression; intuitive understanding and insight.
late Middle English: from Latin perceptio(n- ), from the verb percipere ‘seize, understand’ (see perceive).
late 14c., percepcioun, "understanding, a taking cognizance," from Latin perceptionem (nominative perceptio) "perception, apprehension, a taking," noun of action from past-participle stem of percipere "to perceive" (see perceive). Also used in Middle English in the more literal sense of the Latin word. The meaning "intuitive or direct recognition of some innate quality" is from 1827.
To be conscious of ANY THING you must experience them via your senses, you must perceive it.
Def/Orgin of Perceive;
1300, perceiven, "become aware of, gain knowledge of," especially "to come to know by direct experience," via Anglo-French parceif, Old North French *perceivre (Old French perçoivre) c. 1300, perceiven, "become aware of, gain knowledge of,"
World Perception
Most of us live lives rooted in false concepts created by “Worldly Systems”, that manifest in our consciousness. The way that we experience life, our environments, and circumstances are unknowingly created based on false perceptions.
Our paradigms (lens) through which we view the WORLD are greatly distorted. Imagine walking around with dark glasses to help shield your eyes from the sun (SON) in the middle of the night. It is impossible to find your way. It is impossible for the SON to lead the way.
In my work I have identified seven basic WORLD systems (financial, education, agriculture, health care, just/political, religion, arts/entertainment). All of which feed off and manipulate each other.
Where we as citizens fall short is in our UNDERSTANDING of their TRUE nature. We PRECEIVE them to be functioning for the benefit of our WELL BEING. A conscious, detailed intellectual, and intuitive examination will reveal their TRUE nature. That being; a TOTAL QUEST FOR PROFIT & POWER!
Be cognizance! Cast the burden of enlightenment on “THE CHRIST WITHIN”, and go forth and live by “Divine Design”, HEALTH-WEALTH-LOVE & PERFECT SELF EXPRESSION!