"On the road that leads to ABSOLUTE UNDERSTANDING you must cross the river called DECEPTION via the bridge of AWARNESS"
by: W Mitchell Lumpkin
"On the road that leads to ABSOLUTE UNDERSTANDING you must cross the river called DECEPTION via the bridge of AWARNESS”
This river of deception “has many tributaries, which feed the “collective consciousness” of the masses. It absolutely amazes me that the larger portion of the citizens, or should I use the word “subjects” of this great Republic live life totally unaware, of the POWER given to each of us BEING children of GOD.
Faith in the “SYSTEMS” that run our world has ushered in totally unsubstantiated BELIEFS that control our everyday life. We have been guided and fully indoctrinated by the tributaries that form from a great river of deceit.
Stop for a moment and consider who and what we are. We are individualized Spirits who live in nature on earth in physical bodies. Universal Spirit (God) our creator paced everything on this great earth that man (child of God) would need to grow and prosper physically, mentally, and Spiritually, and gave us “Dominion” Yet many struggle to survive.
We as individualized Spirits were created by GOD to create. The problem seems to be that we create using our finite minds separate from the influence of God's infinite wisdom. UNIVERSAL SPIRIT (GOD)
This river of deception “has many tributaries, which feed the “collective consciousness” of the masses. It absolutely amazes me that the larger portion of the citizens, or should I use the word “subjects” of this great Republic live life totally unaware, of the POWER given to each of us BEING children of GOD.
Faith in the “SYSTEMS” that run our world has ushered in totally unsubstantiated BELIEFS that control our everyday life. We have been guided and fully indoctrinated by the tributaries that form from a great river of deceit.
Stop for a moment and consider who and what we are. We are individualized Spirits who live in nature on earth in physical bodies. Universal Spirit (God) our creator paced everything on this great earth that man (child of God) would need to grow and prosper physically, mentally, and Spiritually, and gave us “Dominion” Yet many struggle to survive.
We as individualized Spirits were created by GOD to create. The problem seems to be that we create using our finite minds separate from the influence of God's infinite wisdom. UNIVERSAL SPIRIT (GOD)
5 Keys To Navigating The Matrix As An Empath
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Inspiration / Matrix
By Dylan Harper - Jun 13, 20230
Here we are. Humanity is Awakening. More and more Humans are becoming Aware that we are inside this thing called a Matrix.
So, to begin to answer your questions of what next, what to do, how to leave it? … I will share where I have found myself to be in the process of seeing what it truly is and how I have been able to find peace along the journey on this wave of ups and downs, inside out, back to front and upside down perspectives, keeping myself whole and sane and FREE.
It is our Divine Human right to express a power, a Heart/Spirit knowing that creates and manifests all that we want and desire to experience and feel. There is only one simple law/lore to adhere to in this Becoming Aware.
Inspiration / Matrix
By Dylan Harper - Jun 13, 20230
Here we are. Humanity is Awakening. More and more Humans are becoming Aware that we are inside this thing called a Matrix.
So, to begin to answer your questions of what next, what to do, how to leave it? … I will share where I have found myself to be in the process of seeing what it truly is and how I have been able to find peace along the journey on this wave of ups and downs, inside out, back to front and upside down perspectives, keeping myself whole and sane and FREE.
It is our Divine Human right to express a power, a Heart/Spirit knowing that creates and manifests all that we want and desire to experience and feel. There is only one simple law/lore to adhere to in this Becoming Aware.
The Power of Thought
Man’s Greatest Discovery
by W Mitchell Lumpkin
Look around you, every material object you see, started out as a thought in some man’s MIND. The car you drive, the bricks that form your home, the toaster you used for breakfast this morning, the plate you ate from, the cell phone that you can’t put down. All things (material objects) have their origin in the MIND of man, and the manifestation of these objects are the result of Thought.
The MIND of man is creative. It must be understood that this creative power originates not in the MIND of man but in the “UNIVERSAL MIND (GOD), the source of all power, wisdom, and intelligence. This “UNIVERSAL MIND” (GOD)is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscience.
Look around you, every material object you see, started out as a thought in some man’s MIND. The car you drive, the bricks that form your home, the toaster you used for breakfast this morning, the plate you ate from, the cell phone that you can’t put down. All things (material objects) have their origin in the MIND of man, and the manifestation of these objects are the result of Thought.
The MIND of man is creative. It must be understood that this creative power originates not in the MIND of man but in the “UNIVERSAL MIND (GOD), the source of all power, wisdom, and intelligence. This “UNIVERSAL MIND” (GOD)is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscience.
How to Stop the Media from Controlling Your Mind
Our beliefs are powerful beyond imagination: They influence our perception of reality, which in turn influences the way we live.
Therefore, those who control our beliefs control our lives.
And what are our beliefs comprised of? Well, fundamentally of a bunch of information that we have accepted as truth — even when we don’t have strong evidence to support it.
Much of the information concerning what’s going on in the world is presented to us by the mainstream media. Every day, television channels, newspapers and news websites pump a flood of information into our heads that we rarely question. This information then leads us to perceive the world in a certain way, and act in it accordingly.
Our beliefs are powerful beyond imagination: They influence our perception of reality, which in turn influences the way we live.
Therefore, those who control our beliefs control our lives.
And what are our beliefs comprised of? Well, fundamentally of a bunch of information that we have accepted as truth — even when we don’t have strong evidence to support it.
Much of the information concerning what’s going on in the world is presented to us by the mainstream media. Every day, television channels, newspapers and news websites pump a flood of information into our heads that we rarely question. This information then leads us to perceive the world in a certain way, and act in it accordingly.
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Save Us From Freedom!
Freedom once meant something significant for mankind. It meant ceasing to be suppressed and imprisoned by forces that endeavour to control one. The word ‘freedom’ conjured a sense of what it means, at least to some degree, to be master of one’s destiny.
No longer, for many, the new freedom has almost exactly the opposite meaning. Now freedom seems to be associated with having someone or something doing one’s thinking for one; making decisions that one ‘can’t be bothered ‘or doesn’t want to make – and ultimately completely relieving one from responsibility for taking any form of action other than that which enriches one’s pocket and/or one’s narcissist fantasies.
In fact this new ‘freedom’ offers – on a plate – to the oppressor of old the chance to continue his mastery of human control, but under a new guise: the tantalising deception of ‘convenience’. That which by-passes the need for mental creative effort (and often physical effort as well) and which makes one believe that there is really little or nothing to do, other than tap a keyboard and get tuned into a cyberspace virtual reality world which will do the rest for one. This is the great tempter of our age. The one that lays out the red carpet for a soft and sly take-over by nothing less than a non human artificial intelligence.
No longer, for many, the new freedom has almost exactly the opposite meaning. Now freedom seems to be associated with having someone or something doing one’s thinking for one; making decisions that one ‘can’t be bothered ‘or doesn’t want to make – and ultimately completely relieving one from responsibility for taking any form of action other than that which enriches one’s pocket and/or one’s narcissist fantasies.
In fact this new ‘freedom’ offers – on a plate – to the oppressor of old the chance to continue his mastery of human control, but under a new guise: the tantalising deception of ‘convenience’. That which by-passes the need for mental creative effort (and often physical effort as well) and which makes one believe that there is really little or nothing to do, other than tap a keyboard and get tuned into a cyberspace virtual reality world which will do the rest for one. This is the great tempter of our age. The one that lays out the red carpet for a soft and sly take-over by nothing less than a non human artificial intelligence.
“seek ye first the KINGDOM OF GOD; and all these things shall be added unto YOU”
These things encompass your “Divine inheritance” , your Divine design; “Health-Wealth-Love & Perfect Self Expression”. YOU have been created to co-create with our “Creator”. It begins with the UNDERTSTANDING, of the “CHRIST WITHIN”, your “HIGHER SELF”, that exist in ALL of us.
“the KINGDOM OF GOD is within”
Your Perception may be considered to be the essence of Consciousness. Let us first UNDERSTAND perception.
These things encompass your “Divine inheritance” , your Divine design; “Health-Wealth-Love & Perfect Self Expression”. YOU have been created to co-create with our “Creator”. It begins with the UNDERTSTANDING, of the “CHRIST WITHIN”, your “HIGHER SELF”, that exist in ALL of us.
“the KINGDOM OF GOD is within”
Your Perception may be considered to be the essence of Consciousness. Let us first UNDERSTAND perception.
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Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become a Form of Human Sacrifice?

June 7th, 2021
By Sayer Ji
Contributing writer for Wake Up World
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”
~ Attributed to Dr. Benjamin Rush,
Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Rush accurately foretold a grave possibility facing Americans today, namely, that the art and science of healing be restricted to a select class of allopathic physicians, who have the sole legal right to recommend and administer medicines, and whose pharmacopeia excludes – as a matter of principle – all the healing foods, vitamins and herbs which have been used safely and effectively for countless millennia in the prevention and treatment of disease.
We have entered an era where medicine no longer bears any resemblance to the art and science of healing. The doctor no longer facilitates the body’s innate self-healing capabilities with time, care, good nutrition and special help from our plant allies. To the contrary, medicine has transmogrified into a business enterprise founded on the inherently nihilistic principles of pure, unbridled capitalism, with an estimated 786,000 Americans dying annually from iatrogenic or medically-caused deaths.*
We have entered an era where medicine no longer bears any resemblance to the art and science of healing. The doctor no longer facilitates the body’s innate self-healing capabilities with time, care, good nutrition and special help from our plant allies. To the contrary, medicine has transmogrified into a business enterprise founded on the inherently nihilistic principles of pure, unbridled capitalism, with an estimated 786,000 Americans dying annually from iatrogenic or medically-caused deaths.*
Fear-Based Manipulation: How Politicians, Marketers and the Media Create Panic to Control the Masses
“Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” ~Bertrand Russell
Fear. Without it we wouldn’t be able to survive.
Why? Because it’s the emotion that warns us about potential threats to our survival and urges us to protect ourselves from them.
Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean.
Imagine that you’re walking outside in the dark and suddenly you see a snake jumping right in front of your feet. Immediately fear kicks in. You start sweating, your heart rate goes up, and your cortisol as well as adrenaline levels increase. The snake could be poisonous so you immediately need to protect yourself from it.
In such a dangerous situation, your natural response is most likely going to be one of the following:
“Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” ~Bertrand Russell
Fear. Without it we wouldn’t be able to survive.
Why? Because it’s the emotion that warns us about potential threats to our survival and urges us to protect ourselves from them.
Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean.
Imagine that you’re walking outside in the dark and suddenly you see a snake jumping right in front of your feet. Immediately fear kicks in. You start sweating, your heart rate goes up, and your cortisol as well as adrenaline levels increase. The snake could be poisonous so you immediately need to protect yourself from it.
In such a dangerous situation, your natural response is most likely going to be one of the following:
- Run away from the snake.
- Injure, kill or somehow immobilize the snake.
- Freeze in hopes that the snake will be undisturbed by your presence and leave you alone.
The information and or articles shared via this website are not necessarily the views or opinions of the editors of this site.
The intent of all articles is to initiate thought about the various subjects related to the world and the inhabitants of this universe.
We simply hope that our readers will be enlightened, informed, and entertained.
Health Wealth & Love To ALL!
The information and or articles shared via this website are not necessarily the views or opinions of the editors of this site.
The intent of all articles is to initiate thought about the various subjects related to the world and the inhabitants of this universe.
We simply hope that our readers will be enlightened, informed, and entertained.
Health Wealth & Love To ALL!
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